Thursday: Church LIFE
There are a lot of elements in ministry that are important, but not glamorous. As much as we may love to focus on worship, bible studies, and summer camp, we also have to know how to resolve conflict, insure our buildings, handle non-profit finances, and keep our church members safe. These workshops are meant to equip your church to deal with the details so you can focus on the ministry!

The End of Discipleship: The Role of Conflict Resolution in Biblical Discipleship
Doug Marshall (Pastorserve)
Conflict too often brings our efforts at discipleship to a screeching halt. We see conflict as an obstacle to doing real ministry. Doug Marshall's workshop will teach church leaders and members to see conflict as an opportunity for profound discipleship, rather than an obstacle.
Building Safe Spaces for Children
Liberty House Center
The Liberty House Center specializes in training those who work with children to create safe spaces where children can be free from risk of abuse, as well as teaching childcare workers how to identify signs and risks of abuse in the children in their care.

Insuring Your Church
Toby Hill (James Reed Agency)
Toby Hill specializes in insuring churches, Christian schools and other ministries. He will be presenting a workshop to help church leaders identify risks and needs for coverage in their work to help churches make sure they are adequately covered for the challenges they face.
The Lay-Led Church
Joel Heisler
One of the common challenges for churches today a struggle to find a new senior minister. Searches are taking longer and interims are lasting longer. To meet this challenge, elders and other lay-leaders need to be ready to take on greater roles of leadership in their church. Joel Heisler is the preaching elder at Newport Christian Church, a church that made the decision not to hire a senior minister. He will be presenting on the challenges and opportunities of lay leadership in the church.

Technology for Churches
Terry Byrd
Terry Byrd is part of a ministry that provides free technology solutions for churches. His workshop will focus on the various ways that churches can use technology to support their outreach and ministries. If your church is looking for fresh ideas for the information age, this for you!