Our Network exists to support churches of the Northwest in meaningful ways. Below you will find some of the resources we provide, and resources from other ministries we know and recommend. Check back, because we hope to add more!
For whatever the reason, we know you sometimes need to fill your pulpit! We will connect you with retired pastors from Turner Retirement Homes, or up and coming ministry leaders from Bushnell University or Boise Bible College for temporary fills. You can also let us know if you are a retired or furloughed pastor able to fill a need!
The Solomon Foundation is a non-profit financial organization connecting churches and investors within the Restoration Movement community – “those who attend Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. Our mission is to provide profitable investment opportunities to individuals, congregations and parachurch organizations and turn them into innovative loans for growing churches” ultimately providing an avenue for greater ministry and expanded impact.
Spiritual Direction is a process that helps you develop a greater ability to discern the movement of God in your life.
Julie White is a certified Spiritual Director and is available to speak at conferences, retreats, teas, brunches, or other ministry programs. Her topics are designed to encourage believers with the reality of God’s love and his abiding presence in their lives.
Most pastors feel as if there is nowhere to go for SAFE, CONFIDENTIAL, GOSPEL CENTRIC, COMPETENT pastoral support, leaving many to lead in an atmosphere of isolation and fear. Undeniably, every pastor needs a pastor. PastorServe exists to strengthen the church by serving pastors through COACHING, CONSULTING AND CRISIS CARE. We want to bring the beauty and hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to pastors. Our vision is that one day, no pastor would walk alone. For more information you can contact Clark Tanner at or Doug Marshall at
BibleProject is a nonprofit ed-tech organization and animation studio that produces 100% free Bible videos, podcasts, blogs, classes, and educational Bible resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere.
We have a great group of colleges, universities, and seminaries. If you or a student you know is looking to connect with, we have great ties with:
Boise Bible College
Bushnell University
Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan
Hope International University
Pepperdine University
William Jessup University
Find out more about our network partners: