Workshop Content
Church Minister Workshops
Shepherding in the Valley of the Shadow of Politics
(Matt Holmes)

Today pastors are facing the struggle of leading and preaching to churches that are deeply polarized. This workshop will share practical and theological insight to help pastors draw their congregations around the agenda of their king, Jesus Christ.
Retirement for Pastors
(Pension Fund of the Christian Church)
This workshop is designed to help pastors plan and prepare for retirement and connect them (and their congregations) with the resources that can help them retire well.
Find out more about the Pension Fund of the Christian Church here.
Coffee and Conversation for Women in Ministry
(Melisa Ortiz Berry)

More of a guided conversation than a workshop, this session is for women in ministry--women who are pastors, married to pastors, or otherwise serving in vocational ministry--to talk about their common joy and challenges and encourage each other in their unique callings.
A Guide to Pastors' Taxes
(Nancy Jones)
Many people--even pastors--don't realize just how complicated it can be to properly file pastor's taxes. The goal of this workshop is to prepare Pastors before they make the mistake so they can prepare their taxes with confidence and accuracy.
Finding Spiritual Health in Ministry
(Grant Hickman & Ginger Morgan)

In this workshop, Grant Hickman and Ginger Morgan of Willamette Christian Church discuss the unique challenges pastors face in maintaining their spiritual health, and the practices they can use to sustain themselves in times of challenge and struggle.
Church Life Workshops
The End of Discipleship: The Role of Conflict Resolution in Biblical Discipleship
(Doug Marshall, Pastorserve)

Conflict too often brings our efforts at discipleship to a screeching halt. We see conflict as an obstacle to doing real ministry. Doug Marshall's workshop will teach church leaders and members to see conflict as an opportunity for profound discipleship, rather than an obstacle.
Experiences of a Lay-Led Church
(Joel Heisler, Newport Christian Church)

One of the common challenges for churches today a struggle to find a new senior minister. Searches are taking longer and interims are lasting longer. To meet this challenge, elders and other lay-leaders need to be ready to take on greater roles of leadership in their church. Joel Heisler is the preaching elder at Newport Christian Church, a church that made the decision not to hire a senior minister. He will be presenting on the challenges and opportunities of lay leadership in the church.
Insuring Your Church
(Toby Hill, James Reed Agency)

Toby Hill specializes in insuring churches, Christian schools and other ministries. He will be presenting a workshop to help church leaders identify risks and needs for coverage in their work to help churches make sure they are adequately covered for the challenges they face.
Technology for Churches
(Terry Byrd, Live Church Solutions)

Terry Byrd is part of a ministry that provides free technology solutions for churches. His workshop will focus on the various ways that churches can use technology to support their outreach and ministries. If your church is looking for fresh ideas for the information age, this for you!
Church Challenge Workshops
Mediating Conflict
(Andrew Arthur, Genesis Mediation)

This workshop is designed to help churches who are facing deep divisions that keep them from being able to move forward. Andrew is a professional mediator who will provide meaningful advise and guidance and how to reach consensus amidst division in your congregation.
When the Budget's in the Red
(Gary Scheer, Solomon Foundation)

One of the most discouraging challenges churches can face is when the budget doesn't balance. This can lead to difficult decisions where churches have to balance faith in God's providence and good stewardship of his church. In this workshop Greg Shear will present on how churches can address budget shortfalls faithfully and responsibly.
Finding and Preparing for the Pastor
(Turner Christian Church Pulpit Committee)
This workshop is a panel discussion including Turner Christian Church's pulpit committee, their interim minister, and the minister they called, discussing how they searched for and prepared for the new pastor.
Defining Moments: Walking Well Through Leadership Transitions
(Keither Potter, Bushnell University)

Keith Potter is a church consultant who works with churches through difficult transitions. He will be leading a workshop to help churches prepare for--and be successful in--the periods in between one pastor and the next.
Church Mergers and Adoptions
(Rich Carroll and David Case)
In this panel discussion, two pastors discuss the experience of church mergers, one as a pastor who sought adoption by another congregation and the other as a church that has adopted other congregations.
Church Volunteer Workshops
No More Burnout: Keys to Keeping Volunteers Happy and Healthy
(Tammy Adams, Small Church Network)

Tammy Adams is a former church planter who works with the Small Church Network to help inspire and equip leaders and volunteers in small churches. In this workshop she will offer her wisdom on how volunteers can fight against burnout and maintain healthy involvement in their church.
Encountering God Through Play
(Joy Wendling)

Joy Wendling specializes in teaching parents and churches about how to use play to help kids fall in love with Jesus. In this workshop Joy will share her expertise in how we can incorporate play into children's ministry as an effective tool for growth and discipleship.
Ministering to Children With Trauma
(Bethany Fussell)

As an educator who serves in children's ministry, Bethany is uniquely suited to present a workshop on how volunteers can minister to children with special needs in ways that are meaningful, effective, and compassionate.
Facilitating Faith: A Seminar on Small Group Leadership
(Grant Hickman, Willamette Christian Church)

Grant Hickman, pastor of coaching at Willamette Christian Church, brings his expertise to this workshop to train small group leaders to facilitate healthy small group communities.